Post by Graveyard Goddess on Aug 19, 2005 13:39:41 GMT -5
ive never had love but it sounds greeaatt
Post by changeling on Aug 21, 2005 19:26:27 GMT -5
black angel, i am afraid of the dark, too! i blame my mom (she is also afraid of the dark) if my bf is home i can sleep with the lights off if he is in the room w/ me but if he is out or in another room i have to leave the door open so the hall light comes in.
i have some weird fears and some normal ones, too: not being able to support my family having something happen to my son or me or someone else i love, be it freak accident or being attacked having any part of me hanging off of anything when i am laying down- i.e. i can't let any of my limbs hang off of a bed, couch, park bench, etc becoming isolated from the people i care about having my really personal thoughts exposed demons/goblins/ghosts/other visiting my house and doing something horrible (and that no one would believe me if something like that did happen)
lost soul - i won't sleep with the closet door open either!
Post by Graveyard Goddess on Aug 21, 2005 21:43:15 GMT -5
I forgot that one...its not that i think something is in my closet but my clothing tends to make really bizzare shadows and creeps me out and makes my imagination go and then im freaking out that there are corpses hanging from coat hangers in my room >.<
Post by madworrydreamtrial on Sept 18, 2005 12:16:20 GMT -5
Here's my fear list:
-Going insane and ending up in a small, padded room with no-one to talk to but myself. -Arachnids -Being tortured to death -Being forgotten -Being raped -Drowning
Post by Graveyard Goddess on Sept 18, 2005 13:15:10 GMT -5
thats not too bad...those are all very legit if i do say so myself ;D
Post by tattoodvampyre on Sept 19, 2005 14:38:19 GMT -5
shit stephie thats some list
Post by Graveyard Goddess on Oct 1, 2005 22:08:40 GMT -5
i know...im a horribly scared and dependent person.
Post by tattoodvampyre on Oct 3, 2005 11:47:57 GMT -5
MY fear list ( not so big now the x dumped me LOL) - Spiders ( i hate the thought of them getting tangled in my hair, a tiny one did when i was at school and its freaked me out ever since, i cant even go close enough to one to get rid of it unless i have my super long stick with an opening on the end and closed the other end so i can scoop them up and flush em down the loo, i tried the whole " im letting you go so tell your friends i could've killed you but i didnt" thing but i think they think aha she wont kill us so party time)
- Knowing when i will die ( death row would be my ultimate nightmate thankfully we dont have it in the UK and im pretty much law abiding!, but the thought of being ill and being told you only have a few days left, would be my biggest fear, i dream of that a lot, knowing i only have days or that the day i will die is here and i dont want to go. Its not that im afraid of dying, or death, its the knowing the day is upon me that would freak me out
- Scared of the dark, tho this isnt as bad as it was in my youth, but i still sleep with the hallway light on when im alone in my sis's house, her house freaks me out at night.
Post by wingedgothgrl on Oct 3, 2005 14:51:31 GMT -5
I kinda like spiders, but my hubby is like deathly afraid of them I just scoop them up and put them outside.
My absolute, pants shitting fear list:
~Being eaten alive by a shark. This is my number one fear and well, I know it's completely irrational, liveing in a DESERT and all, but I've had this fear since I was very young and some scary things happened to me. #1- my big sister used to lock me in our 10' deep swimming pool and turn all the lights off. I'd scream bloody murder until my mom found me. #2 when I was 9 or 10 we were in San Diego playing at Mission Beach and my dad had my sister and I really REALLY far out with him. My mom was still on the beach and I can barely see her. She's like a tiny black dot...but I notice she's jumping up and down. I swim in a little close and look to my right and this enormous fin breaks the surface. I scream for my dad and sister and he grabs us and we swim like hell to the shore . It followed us and some other surfers closer , and I almost froze with fear. It was chaos everywhere. It turns out it was a really old sea Walrus, with huge tusks, still very deadly. #3~ When I was 12 we were in San Diego again but this time we were at Mission Bay, which is quieter than the beach, lot's of little boats and sea mobils. More recreational. I was told by my dad, who knows of my fear, to go out on this little cattermerann boat with this 12 year old kid who'd just learned to sail. I was like "No Way", but he wasn't giving me a choice. So, we go out and he of course gets us like 3 miles out to sea and the f*cking boat flips UPSIDE DOWN and I'm cuaght underthe boat, with this rope caught aroung my neck. I have no life jacket on either..it was too big. I pulled myself free, grabbed the jacket, wrapped it aroung my waist and said see ya. Then I remembered that sharks give birth to their young in the bay, not to mention everything else that lives in it. I froze and drew my knees up to my chin. I was picked up about an hour later, dropped off across the beach from my family and walked the rest of the way home. #4, The dreams started when I was about 15. Very VIVID, very real, VERY BLOODY, dreams. I have 3 re-occurring shark dreams. I don't want to describe them.
~ Being raped and murdered. Dying doesn't scare me, it's dying in pain or terror.
~Letting my fears keep me from living the life I was meant to.
~Heights... Bridges.
~Flying...I am NOT a good flyer, but I do it 'cause I want to see the world.
~The loss of love & luaghter.
~ A world without music
~ Blind Hatred scares the hell outa me.
Post by tattoodvampyre on Oct 3, 2005 15:57:46 GMT -5
jings how could i forget im scared of heights too!
as one of my fav characters puts it:
Rincewind: I'm not going to ride on a magic carpet! I'm afraid of grounds. Conina: You mean heights. And stop being silly. Rincewind: I know what I mean! It's the grounds that kill you!
i have this awful desire to jump.....it wayyyy weird it like if i look down i will be tempted to go flyyyyyyyy!
i remember when i was little my dad was in the sea with me and he was pulling my arms behind me so i could kick my legs as he moved along, i couldnt swim then, and he let me go he said he tripped over something but anyway i went down screaming and everyone on the beach was watching as i legged it out of the sea screaming my head off as i went to my mum, my dad said everyone looked at him as if he was trying to kill me LOL oh another thing im scared off is closed in spaces. I get scared that i wont be able to breathe, i remember once i was camping with a boyfriend and we were snuggled up in his sleeping bag and it was one that goes over your head, his mate came up zipped it up over our heads and wouldnt let us out i thought i was going to die, i remember something similar happening when i was little with neighours messing about in sheets for tents when the uncle grabbed me up in the sheet it covered my head and my body and i couldnt see or breathe... I remember when i lived in a caravan ( trailer to you americans!) for a few months it was beside a loch ( river) that had an old viking settlement in the middle of it that could only be got to through the stone path that was set underwater ( a ploy i think jesus used ;D ) anyway my mate at the time asked me if i was worried about the water rats and i said no i was more scared of the dead vikings coming in for a visit.... Being raped/killed doesnt scare me as i know i can defend myself to the best of my ability. The only fear i have to do with dying is any of my family or friends dying, but for me, i worry about dying before i get to do things in my life that i consider important, things left undone etc etc